Possibility Arena Blog
I love deep diving and writing about topics I care about that contribute to making the way we work better. Have a read of some of my recent blogs and if you find something you like, reach out! It would be great to hear from you.
“It’s only a matter of time..”
I have spent the last few months speaking with founders of fast-growing businesses and a consistent theme that keeps coming up is that although from the outside the picture is of an amazingly successful founder and business, on the inside they feel like they don’t belong, are not up for the job and are carrying around a feeling of dread from the looming possibility of failure.
The 5 C’s founders need to know about to get clarity and allignment.
Are you a founder or CEO of a growing business who is feeling frustrated because of the disconnect between your vision and the output of your team?
The human skills founders need to scale.
Are you a founder with ambitions to transition your scrappy startup into a thriving scaleup? Your human skills will require as much attention and tenacity as what you are putting into creating a product or service that will delight your customers.
Laying down judgement at work
Why we judge other human beings at work and what to do about it.
Lipstick on a Pig
Why business problems stay unsolved and the experience of ‘lipstick on a pig’ is all too common.