4 home truths -why you need to remove bad apples from your team

Do you have a bad apple who needs to be let go?

I know what you are thinkingโ€ฆ

๐ŸŽ I just need to give them some more time.

๐ŸŽ I am worried about the fall out with the rest of the team if I fire one of them.

๐ŸŽ I know they are a jerk, but they are technically brilliant and deliver results for my business.

I am here to tell you straight - when it's not right, it's not right. Getting rid of a bad apple is the best thing you can do for your culture and the performance of your business.

4 home truths you need to know:

1.     Trust your gut. If they are a jerk today, they will be a jerk tomorrow.

2.     You get the behaviour that you accept.

3.     Your bad apple is deceptively holding back the rest of your team.

4.     People who work for you will respect your leadership if you make the tough calls.

If you need some help working through how you deal with a bad apple I can help. Click on Book a Call to find out more.


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